To win the card duel you deal arousal damage to your opponent. Same does he.
Player has two arousal stats: current and max. When current arousal reaches max, player loses the duel.
Both players start the duel with zero arousal and deal damage to each other, increasing foe's arousal.
To deal arousal damage you play action card - card with a number into lower-left corner. This number defines how many damage you deal to our opponent.
To play action card you need mana. There are two kinds of mana: DOM and SUB. Action card can be played in 2 ways, depending on how your character acts into the related scene. You can dominate your foe and you can submit to him, both ways deal arousal damage. So you can win the duel like domina or like slave. When you dominate (thumb-up button into the upper-right corner), you spend DOM mana. When you play as submissve (thumb-down button into the lower-right corner), you spend SUB mana.
When you play action card with price X, you spend X mana and deal X damage to the opponent.
DOM/SUB mana is mutual: when you spend X points of DOM mana, your foe gets X points of SUB mana and vice versa.
For example, you have "Lick shoe (soft)" card in your hand. This card costs 1 mana. You can play it as domina: force that bitch to lick your shoes! It will cost you 1 DOM, so you lose 1 DOM and your opponent receives 1 AR (arousal damage) and 1 SUB mana. When you dominate, your partner feels herself more submissive. Or, you can play this card as sub: make your misstress happy and lick her shoes clean. This will cost you 1 SUB mana, opponent gets 1 AR and 1 DOM.
DOM/SUB mana can be gained in 3 ways:
1. (active) your opponent plays an action card on you
2. (active) you play resource card
3. (passive) you get mana from your clothes
What is resource card? This is a card without a number into the lower-left cornet. Such card can be played just in one way (dom or sub) and, when played, it gives you X mana. Resource card doesn't deal arousal damage to your foe, so think carefully when to use it.
For example, resource card "Apologize" will give you 1 SUB mana: good decision if you need to play some expensive card and don't have enough mana.
Clothes. Each item, your character wears on, gives to you some advantages. There are 5 types of clothes:
1. Armour. Gives permanently +1 to max arousal, so it becomes harder to beat you in the duel.
2. Gain DOM mana. At the beginning of each round you get +1 DOM mana for free. You can play a card with a higher cost and deal more damage.
3. Gain SUB mana. At the beginning of each round you get +1 SUB mana for free.
4. Leech DOM mana. At the beginning of each round your opponent loses -1 DOM mana. Your opponent can't play some cards from his hand because he doesn't have enough mana, mwa-ha-ha!
5. Leech SUB mana. At the beginning of each round your opponent loses -1 SUB mana.
So you combine effects from your cards and clothes, and build your own strategy how to beat all the bosses and complete the dungeon.
I'm a fan of Diablo I and I aspire to make KULT similar to this great game.
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