Monday, April 11, 2016

Road to version 6

It seems that v5 is ok, at least no bugs are reported and there is no need for urgent bugfixes. So I move to version 6.

Into v6 I'm going to implement (finally lol) clothing system. As I wrote earlier, there should be 5 types of clothes:
1) permanently gives you +1 to max arousal
2) gives you 1 DOM mana on each round
3) gives you 1 SUB mana
4) leeches 1 DOM mana from your opponent
5) leeches 1 SUB mana from the opponent
So I expect that this system, combined with cards in deck, would give a player different builds and different play styles. We'll see how it would be though.

There will be more texts, too. There are a lot of placeholders and I'm going to replace them with actual texts. They will be connected with the story development.

Also, I would like to thank my first supporter on patreon. Thank you, stranger. It means a lot to me as it gives me inspiration to continue making this game.

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